In this first installment of 'The Operator' series, Fear No Evil takes the reader on a head-shaking, thought-provoking, swearing-under-your-breath journey through the ugly world of corrupt politics, racial hatred, and domestic terrorism.
Download PDF of the first three chapters
Most Americans have a stereotypical, outdated, and mostly Hollywood-induced notion about Police Officers and Police work. Some citizens even foolishly base their perception of Law Enforcement on the word of career criminals.
Counterterrorist specialist Dexter Diamond and his S.W.O.R.D. operatives continue their mission of hunting down and eliminating the remainder of the NAF's ill-fated Millennium Strike Force, and in doing so, ignite a conflict with Adam Clark and his CTAC assassins.
Download PDF of the first three chapters
This manual was written for use by College Students that are enrolled in Self-Defense
courses provided by their respective Academic organizations. Collegiate Self-Defense courses are typically one semester long and the students learn a variety of basic
techniques that will help them improve their personal safety abilities as well as their overall personal safety awareness. The techniques in this manual are explained in simple terms and some photographs are provided to help with training and practice sessions.
The Operator: Fear No Evil
Black & Blue
The Operator: Die by the S.W.O.R.D.
SDT -1
by Derwin J. Bradley
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